Augusta van Galvidia

Magitek Physician - Master of Arms - Legatus of a Shattered Legion

Primo aspectu:



Artes et facultates:

Bellum cum ea!

Munus ludere hamis:

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At glance info:

  • Name: Augusta van Galvidia

  • Title: Angelus Sanguinis ex Locus Amoenus

  • Age: About 56

  • Race: Pure Blood Garlean

  • Height: 7'2

  • Weight: 260pz

  • Third eye: Present

  • Class: Tribunus Imperatoria

  • Faith: None

Physical Description:

Tall and pale bodied, blond hair. Fair eyes. Magnificent third eye. Truly, she was prime stock. A nigh perfect example of a superior race. The Garlean breed. Pure blooded and of regal lineage.Not but only a few scars tarnished the Garlean's body, most of which lay unseen beneath her clothes. Each but a tale of glorious and victorious battle for the Empire.Her face, a clear complexion of creamy skin. Dotted with a dark beauty mark on her lower left cheek. Golden locks of hair covering the top of her head, parted off and about. Seeming to highlight the bronze tinged gem that sat embedded in her forehead.Though unless speaking to confidants or allies to the Empire that had proven themselves to be trustworthy, Augusta was seldom seen outside of her armor.A full suit of black, garlean steel. A dark, fully face encompassing and voice masking helm with swept horns adorned her head. Thick metal gauntlets that stretched all the way up to metallic joints and bands over elbow. Truly it seemed as if there wasn't any part of her that wasn't covered in over engineered Garlean magitek armor.Her weapon of choice:Willbreaker - A hefty, yet beautiful and ornately etched looking gunblade made of Garlean steel and alloy material. The chunky, axe like blade made perfect for cleaving flesh and bone and crushing armor. There didn't seem to be much of an effective point on it, though it could still stab to some extent. It was clear that wasn't the weapon's primary function. The barrel of the black and gold colored Gunblade seemed to be of a large bore, and under the barrel proper were smaller pseudo barrels, one might describe them. More accurately ceruleum vents that could spew the volatile fuel out in a superheated state.An Unnamed gunblade that seemed to be modeled after Gaius' own Heirsbane was slung over her back. A long straight garlean steel blade with the barrel running along one side of the blade. The grip looked more akin to a wooden scaled sword grip over that of a gun's stock. The trigger and its trigger guard seemed to be some what ornate and customized with some elegant twists in the metal and some decorative engravings.


Born to Lurinis tol Galvidia and Vauspia fae Galvidia, Augusta was brought up in a stern house of politics and propaganda. If she wasn’t being lectured in military tactics and history she was being pushed towards civil affairs and psychology. Learning what makes people tick, how to out maneuver and use them. Even long before she joined the Imperial military of the empire, the Garlean was taught strategy, the fundamentals of war and planning. Every day was study, martial practice and then more study.Augusta spent several years in the Academy studying Magitek, and more specifically how it could be applied to medicine, ultimately aspiring to be a physician. It was during this time that she learned of her brother’s treason. A desire to escape the Empire, to betray it. Naturally, Augusta was quick to turn him, along with his confession, an act that was quick to bring her towards her career in Garlemald’s Imperial Legions. Her parents were both arrested and sent off to a prison pending investigation, her brother was executed, and she was swiftly climbing the ranks of Officer as she continually proved her loyalty and skill to the Empire, and her superiors.It was during her time occupying Locus Amoenus that the Garlean found her true talents, often using her knowledge of medicine as a way of interrogating and torturing prisoners of war and rebel insurgents. Much of her kevorkian experiments proved fatal, helping her in earning the moniker Angelus Sanguinis ex Locus Amoenus or to Eorzeans the The Bloody Angel of Corvos.

Potential RP hooks:

  • You are a Garlean: Be it a loyalist or a filthy traitor. Augusta would have interest in speaking with you.

  • Not every story has a happy ending (The hero doesn't always win): Oh, so you think yourself clever? I suppose I could accommodate you in some more... Personal experiments.

  • Kneel before the Empire!: You wish to submit to the Empire? I suppose I can arrange that, though you would need to prove your fealty, Savage.


  • Bladed combat

  • Hand to Hand combat

  • Magitek Engineering

  • Subterfuge

  • Infiltration tactics

  • Tactician

  • Emergency medical triage

  • Logistics

Sanguis balneum

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Amongst subordinates and peers, there where whispers. Hushed rumors exchanged about savagery and cruelty wearing the guise of science. This woman was genuinely demented, bereft of empathy. Utterly ruthless, manipulative.Was her brother, her own flesh and blood truly guilty of the crimes that she brought against him; or was he but another pawn in her scheme? That long, painful climb to authority?It was hard to argue with the results, and the trail of bodies left in the Bloody Angel's wake was more than enough proof for her ascension.After all, she butchered and crucified her own brother and countless others in the name of Garlemald, drawing out confession after confession.

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So you want to fight Augusta at her fullest? Throw yourself against the superior power of a Garlean officer?"Come then hero, break yourself upon my steel!"


  • Terminus Est: A singular 'X' is carved into the air out of super heated Ceruleum sprayed out of the end of Willbreaker and jettisoned forward in a devastating line.

  • Crossbones: Between two and four smaller 'X's are carved in the air from super heated Ceruleum and propelled across the area towards their target.

  • Angry Salamander: Augusta shoots a trail of small explosive charges from a wrist launcher.

  • Ceruleum Jets: A spray of burning Ceruleum is shot forth out of spray nozzles attached to Augusta's wrists and boots, used in chaining up close attacks or when disarmed.

  • Delta Trance: Augusta combos a series of rapid strikes with Willbreaker down at her target.

  • Innocence: Augusta swings a heavy, cleaving blow at her target.

  • Sweep: Augusta sweeps her leg forward to to trip and break the balance of her foe(s).

  • Reinforcements!: Augusta calls in the back up of near by troops or magitek war machina to aid her in the fight or escape a sticky situation.

  • Magitek Bit: Augusta deploys a Magitek Drone which proceeds to lob small explosive charges and shoot high powered plasma beams at her foe.

  • Concussive shot: Augusta shoots an exploding cartridge out at her foe to concuss and daze them.

  • Snake shot: Augusta rapidly shoots smaller caliber, quickly accelerated cartridges in a spraying arc.

  • Armor piercing shot: Augusta shoots a hardened steel round from Willbreaker at her foe to sunder their armor.

  • Heavy shot: Augusta shoots a soft, heavy round from Willbreaker to cause massive damage to organic tissue.

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Confracta Legio

Even after the fall of her Legatus, and the ultimate failure of the VIth Imperial Legion in Azys Lla, the Mad Doctor continued to work closely with the remnants of the legion.Being one of the few officers linked to the VIth to still be alive and publicly known about, rumors about her making a subtle grab for power and taking over the Legion as its new Legatus have definitely been making their rounds amongst those who claim to keep an ear to to the ground. Though as of now, the current Legatus of the VIth legion has not yet been named.